

I knew Bonnie, socially – so, Bonnie and her manager came to see me play with Bull Dog featuring Jimmy Crespo in April of 1975 @ a Long island Club – I was hired!

Bonnie on Fire!

Then in the Fall of that same year during our 2nd set, for a packed house, at Rum Bottoms night club in Massapequa, Bonnie’s Lightman sets off the usual Pyro T & Special Effects – the next thing we know, the roof is on fire and people are fleeing the club.

My girlfriend, Lori comes up to me, on the side of the stage and says ‘We need to get out’ – I said, I need to get my drums out of here first. So, Lori and I proceeded to carry my drums out of the club’s front door, one or two at a time until we were the last people in the place, and it was completely filled with Flames and Thick Smoke.

Needless to say, the next day The Bonnie Parker Band was on National TV & Radio on every major NEWS station. I left the BPB in Jan of ’76. Did some great Gigs with Bonnie all over the Northeast from The Jersey Shore & Pennsylvania to Rhode Island and of course NYC and Long Island. I was replaced by Bobby Rondinelli.

Rick Shutter


More Rum Bottom’s Photos

Paul on Keys

Photos by AW

The Rock Complex

Hackensack, New Jersey

Photo by Michael Castello

Great Gildersleeves

New York City


Queens ‘ Largest and Most Beautiful Rock ‘n’ Roll Club




New York City


Lancaster, PA